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As the Institution believes that a peaceful atmosphere can be possible when the grievance of the students is addressed, Grievance Redressal Committee has been established to provide a system for resolving the students' issues and their needs in an apparent way. The committee has been under the direct purview of the Principal, since the inception of the college. The committee is tasked with investigating the grievances and the needs of the students and redressing them as fast as according to their necessity. The students can send academic and non - academic grievances to the faculty concerned in person.

The committee is determined to resolve the grievances in a timely manner. Any student with a legitimate grievance can approach the faculty members in person of the department or the coordinator of the committee.

Functions of the Grievance Redressal Committee:

  • Grievance redressal committee (GRC) shall consider only individual grievances of specific nature of students and staff.
  • To receive written grievances from students and staff related to the system.
  • To forward the findings to the Management if necessary for further action.
  • To listen, record and scrutinize the grievances submitted by the Students and take necessary steps immediately.
  • To represent the grievances to the concerned section which may include maintenance, transport, academic, amenities etc.
  • To convene periodical meetings to discuss whether the grievances have been settled.
  • To make a follow-up of these matters at regular intervals till their final disposal.
  • To ensure tight confidentiality, if necessary.


S. No. NAME & DESIGNATION Position In The Committee
1 Dr. G. Ravichandran, Assistant Professor of Commerce Coordinator
2 Mr. S. Anandan, Head & Assistant Professor of Computer Science Member
3 Mrs. G. Nagapushpam, Assistant Professor of Tamil Member
4 Mr. D. Sikkandarbasha, Assistant Professor of English Member

Post your Grievance